Essential Lifestyle Health Tips for Seniors

Essential Lifestyle Health Tips for Seniors

We’re all well-versed with the saying “Old-age is second childhood”. When we take so much care at the arrival of a baby in our homes – baby-proofing the apartment et al., why not do your bit for the people who are going through this phase of life? Or even if you live by yourself, make sure you make this part of your life comfortable and safe. We have a few tips for you, which will help you start off on this journey of securing your second childhood!

  • Keep aside a part of your day for your physical activities:

It need not be something strenuous or hard-core, but a light, easy-going and fun activity is something that you should pursue to maintain your health and keep illnesses at bay. A brisk walk or even wading around in the swimming pool can prove to be beneficial as a mood-lifter and also keep you fit.

  • A well-balanced diet is a must:

Instead of pumping in those bitter pills, try and infuse your diet with all the vitamins you require. So if you know you’re deficient in calcium or a particular vitamin, make sure you include it in your diet. And if this is not enough, supplements are always available. Make sure you get your diet and supplement intake approved by your doctor.

  • Keep your hobbies alive:

Whether it’s cooking, gardening, collecting stamps or playing the guitar – never let your hobbies die down. Make it a part of your routine to do what you love. Also, a little karaoke and barbeque night with friends can never go wrong!

  • Don’t let stress get the better out of you:

    Don’t fret over frivolous issues and become that cranky old person you never wanted to be. Old-age is a phase where you have the freedom to be a child again- so make most of it! Listen to your favourite songs, meditate or just stroll around the park. Do anything that keeps your stress at bay and makes you feel good!

  • Keep harmful habits away:

    Smoking and drinking were and will always be bad for health. If you are habituated to smoking and drinking, you need to pull the string and take it easy! Substitute your alcohol with fresh fruit juices and smoking with fresh air!



  • Make a few changes in your home:

    Small changes in your home can make a huge difference. You could consider the following tips:

    • Declutter your home and make it as free of mess and obstacles as possible. This will give you more space for movement.
    • Make arrangements for switches at the top and bottom of your staircase.
    • Install handrails for all your staircases.
    • Cover any sharp edges of furniture to avoid injuries due to accident bumping.
    • Keep all essential and emergency medicines well within reach.
  • Get regular checkups done:

    You sure don’t want to get bogged down by any illness. To prevent illnesses at the onset itself, make sure you have scheduled those regular visits to the doctor. Get your tests done after regular intervals so that you can keep a track on how to change your lifestyle to improve your health.

Last and most important, old-age doesn’t mean the end of it all. It’s a part of your life, and you need to make the most of it! Don’t let anything dampen your spirits, but yes, do take care of yourself, too.

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